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Wireshark is just capturing local traffic



I am using Wireshark on Mac OSX and it is justing capturing the local traffic (so, what happening on my computer, not on the others). I have tried it with Ethernet (LAN) Connection and with a WiFi Connection. It is still not working...

Thank you Florian Traun

asked 23 Oct '13, 13:19

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Florian Traun
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2 Answers:


I hate to belabor the obvious, but is your capture NIC in promiscuous mode? I am not familiar with Apple products, so this might not be the answer.

You will only capture "local" traffic on your WiFi connection unless you get an AirPcap adapter or a NIC that will go into RFMON mode.

answered 23 Oct '13, 16:01

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Also, are you on a mirrored port or using a TAP? You will need to do this to see all traffic on the wire.

(23 Oct '13, 16:04) randyp


Ethernet traffic nowadays work mostly with switches instead of hubs. This means traffic is not sent to all ports. Hence your ethernet port will only see broadcasts and your own traffic.

answered 25 Oct '13, 10:17

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