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network type 12 unknown or unsupported


The file "test.cap" is a capture for a network type that Wire shark doesn't support. (snoop: network type 12 unknown or unsupported) I tried to read test.cap file but i am not able to read it. could anyone help me on this?

asked 18 Nov '13, 03:54

Muthu%20Kumar's gravatar image

Muthu Kumar
accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Apparently you have a snoop-like capture file with a format that is not (yet) supported by Wireshark. Please file a bug report at and add as much information as possible

  • Tool name and version
  • Wireshark version
  • OS and version you tested with
  • IMPORTANT: a small sample capture file


answered 18 Nov '13, 10:17

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

Yes, type 12 is listed on the IANA page for snoop network types as being reserved. The DLPI specification's dlpi.h lists it as DL_ASYNC, for "Character Asynchronous Protocol", with no indication of what that means.

So please do as Kurt suggests; otherwise, we won't be able to figure out what that network type means.

(18 Nov '13, 11:45) Guy Harris ♦♦