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sequence number in zero_window_probe


Hello, need to have some experts look at this trace snippet showing a server sending a zero-window and the client sending probes with a 1 byte 'garbage'.

I wonder whether the client sends a 'correct' tcp.seq in its probes.

Here's the trace: zero_window_probe.pcapng alt text

asked 24 Nov '13, 10:01

mrEEde's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

One Answer:


Looks pretty normal to me. Some operating systems use the last byte already acknowledged for Window probes (which would be a real "garbage byte"), others use the next byte to come for the same purpose.

This one seems to use the "next in line" byte to probe the window. Nothing unusual here.

answered 24 Nov '13, 10:33

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for your comment!

(25 Nov '13, 08:17) mrEEde