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lot of Syn Syn-ACKs


alt text

asked 21 Oct '14, 10:22

Rikki's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

i see lot of syn syn-acks when user tries to open a small report (500kb) via SAP. Not sure what this means but the speed that user gets is very very slow

(21 Oct '14, 10:24) Rikki

One Answer:


A screenshot is not really telling the whole story. It looks like the client is opening a lot of connections to a lot of different server ports. I can't tell from the screenshot what they are all used for, but I guess the application is coded to pull a lot of details in separate connections.

Maybe my blog post about a similiar setup (using just one connection, but not in a really efficient way either) can shed some light on why the report is slow:

My guess is that a lot of small details are pulled one ofter the other, using multiple TCP connections. If so, the only way to improve the situation is to fix the way the report is generated.

answered 21 Oct '14, 12:55

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%