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[TCP Previous segment not captured] Does it indicate something wrong?


Based on my understanding, [TCP Previous segment not captured] means the following:

  1. I receive packet 1.
  2. Now instead of receiving packet 2, I receive packet 3 (so packet 3 will be marked with [TCP Previous segment not captured]).

But does [TCP Previous segment not captured] indicates that something went wrong? I mean isn't it normal for the packets not to arrive in order, and it's the job of TCP to reorder them?

asked 27 Jul '15, 12:33

John_857's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jul '15, 12:33

One Answer:


Yes and no. If you see a TCP Out-Of-Order within one RTT or so, then generally speaking it is a bit annoying but not the end of the world. If you don't, then you should start looking further.

To see if it is really causing you an issue you can look at the throughput (Statistics / IO Graph.) If there is a sudden drop or pause in throughput at the same time, you may have an issue, other than that I wouldn't worry too much.

answered 27 Jul '15, 13:01

DarrenWright's gravatar image

accept rate: 26%