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Remote interface linux



I am wanting to setup a remote interface as I am using an Aerohive Remote Sniffer

I have spent a while looking online and my understanding is that this feature is only implemented in Windows. I have been looking for a linux alternative but everything I find seems to be about piping the network traffic from another unix machine to a local machine over ssh.

I was just wondering if there are any linux alternatives to the wireshark remote interface feature.

Thanks for your time

asked 22 Sep '16, 23:40

roy_muzz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Wireshark on Linux does not support the rpcap method. Capturing over an encrypted SSH session is the way to go for Linux.

On older versions of Wireshark, your only method for remote live captures is a pipe from stdin (with the limitation that you have to restart Wireshark every time you want to restart your capture). Quite inconvenient, but here are two examples (see manual pages for explanation of options: dumpcap, wireshark, tcpdump):

ssh [email protected] dumpcap -i eth0 -P -w - -f 'tcp port 80' | wireshark -i - -k -p
ssh [email protected] sudo tcpdump -Z user -i eth0 -p -U -w - 'tcp port 80' | wireshark -i - -k -p

Typically dumpcap is installed with extra capabilities (see CaptureSetup/CapturePrivileges), so no root is needed. For tcpdump you might have to configure a password-less sudo (edit with visudo -f /etc/sudoers/wireshark-tcpdump, add %wireshark ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/tcpdump to allow everyone from the "wireshark" group use password-less sudo for just tcpdump).

Newer versions of Wireshark (since 2.2) however have the "Extcap" mechanism. If you have dumpcap installed on the remote server, you can configure the "sshdump" interface in the interfaces list (set a user and host). Then you can capture from it as if it was a local one (behind the scenes it uses ssh + dumpcap). This mechanism can also be used for tcpdump, but sshdump currently does not support it (see for an alternative script).

answered 24 Sep '16, 02:29

Lekensteyn's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

Not that currently sshdump doesn't work that well on Windows, see bug 12884.

(24 Sep '16, 05:01) grahamb ♦