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Is there any plan to support Neighbor Aware Networking(NAN) a.k.a Wi-Fi Aware in the foreseeable future?


Is there any plan to support Neighbor Aware Networking(NAN) a.k.a Wi-Fi Aware in the foreseeable future?

asked 19 Jul '17, 08:34

mokhsamsung's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Protocol dissection is added to Wireshark when and if someone contributes code. I have not seen any communication indicating that someone is working to contribute a dissector for this protocol. You could raise an enhancement request in bugzilla providing links to protocol description and an example pcap trace.

answered 19 Jul '17, 09:53

Anders's gravatar image

Anders ♦
accept rate: 17%

edited 20 Jul '17, 00:59