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Why is my pc exchanging packets with Facebook? i don’t have a Facebook account?


I noticed that my pc is exchanging packets with Facebook. I don't have a Facebook account, and I haven't even visited their website. Why is this happening?

asked 21 Nov '10, 13:15

RW15's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you sure you don't have some toolbar or other add-in's that checks in with Facebook?

(21 Nov '10, 21:25) hansangb

Were you surfing at the time of the capture? A disturbingly large number of web sites are now attempting to associate you with your facebook account for marketing reasons. I know that does it, and a boatload of others.

(22 Nov '10, 05:55) GeonJay

One Answer:


As has been mentioned in the comments above, there are more than a few applications/plugins/webpages that will talk to Facebook (or other sites) without your knowledge. There are utilities that will tell you which application is "behind" your TCP/IP connections:

1) If you're running Windows, the TCPView utility ( will show you all your TCP/IP connections AND identify the process/application that controls each connection.

2) If you're in the Linux world, netactview ( will provide the same information, including the "owning" process/application.

I expect that the connections will trace back to your web browser...but these tools will confirm it.

answered 22 Nov '10, 10:35

wesmorgan1's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

edited 22 Nov '10, 10:35

Thank you!

(27 Nov '10, 17:11) RW15