![alt text][1] [1]: This one capture at site B. I try to understand this. After [SYN], the server at site A just keep pushing the data to server at site B, but I did not see any [ACK] back at site B. I only see the Window size 92 but with unknown scaling. They communicate over satellite link. Any body can point out what going on? Is it due to the nature of Satellite link ? asked 13 Jun '12, 16:38 pixaround |
One Answer:
satellite links exist in different types. Two (among others) are:
The third packet from the bottom ACKs the receipt of some bytes. If you don't see that data in Wireshark (your screenshot indicates that), there are two possible reasons:
Based on the information you provided, I assume the later. Regards answered 18 Jun '12, 16:58 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 18 Jun '12, 17:36 |
Did you see any packets at all going from B to A? Such as the SYN-ACK at the start of the TCP connection? Is it possible that your capture interface is just not capturing packets originating at B?
The main difference about a Satellite link is that because of its long latency the TCP window will need to be negotiated to a much higher value than needed on a shorter link carrying the same number of bits per second.