I am working on a network-layer dissector for a prototypical protocol (that's a mouthful) that is an alternative to IP; an eXpressive Internet Architecture. The addressing scheme for this protocol includes the use of DAGs, which require a few header files and a .c source file that defines various functions for operating on the DAGs. I would like to keep the header files intact and separate, rather than incorporating them all into packet-xip.c and packet-xip.h. This would make the dissector file cleaner and the headers easy to update as our research continues. Is there a preferred mechanism for including multiple header/source files? For example, a new directory in the epan directory seems like it would be a nice fit, but I am unsure if this would preclude the possibility of having a patch with our protocols approved in the future. Thank you for any advice. asked 13 Jun '12, 18:04 Cody edited 13 Jun '12, 18:05 |
One Answer:
See, for example, the dissector for the Zigbee protocol; there are several packet-zbee-XXX.[ch] files, or look at the XMPP dissector, which has a bunch of packet-xmpp-XXX.[ch] files. The best thing to do would be to have packet-xip.c and various packet-xip-*.c files, plus accompanying header files. answered 13 Jun '12, 21:28 Guy Harris ♦♦ edited 13 Jun '12, 21:29 |