Running version 1.8.0. I have a trace of my client connecting to its server successfully. The WireShark trace does not have a Server Hello, Certificate, Server Hello Done. There is a Client Hello, followed by 1494 bytes [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU] followed by 967 bytes of "Ignored unknown Record" followed by Client Key Exchange. I can see the certificate info in the data preceding the Client Key Exchange but Wireshark doesn't recognize it. The operation works, but Wireshark isn't decoding the packets correctly. I'd attach the trace data but I can't figure how to. asked 26 Jun '12, 09:08 tcoder showing 5 of 9 show 4 more comments |
2 Answers:
There is a problem with your capture file. Capture file with Filter
Look at Frame #2 and #3. It's the same packet with a different source MAC address.
Strange. Either the server hands out different certs for different geo regions (can somebody else please check), or 'something' is tampering with your SSL connection. Together with the duplicate packets, this looks at least kind of strange !??!
SOLUTION: If I remove the duplicate packets with MAC address 00:01:2e:31:0c:a6, the SSL dissector detects the Capture file with Filter
HINT: You will see the I'm not sure if this is a bug in Wireshark or not. You could file a bug report at and upload both capture files (links above) and a reference (link) to this question. At least the duplicate packets are more than strange and could cause "confusion" in the SSL dissector. Regards answered 27 Jun '12, 14:29 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 27 Jun '12, 15:02 The server machine has two network interfaces. One is hard wired and the other is WiFi. Could this be my problem? I never thought about it or even looked at the MAC addresses. What is curl? I've only uploaded the one capture file I saved. I'll disable the WiFi interface and see what happens. (27 Jun '12, 14:39) tcoder
In general yes, but your capture file looks really strange. Several packets with different IP addresses but with the same MAC address. This is either a bug in the capture engine, or someone is doing MAC/IP spoofing on your network. You should really try to find that MAC address on the network. Ask the network admins.
A commandline HTTP(S) client:
Good luck! (27 Jun '12, 14:50) Kurt Knochner ♦ From this question:
regarding the MAC address of the router: What is your netmask on the LAN? Based on your capture file I would say, that this MAC address is the one of your netgear router (Netgear_51:c0:54 (e0:91:f5:51:c0:54) and this is the MAC address of your client (Ibm_24:4c:f4 (00:0d:60:24:4c:f4)) found in Frame #1. Is that correct? If so, then who owns this MAC address on your network (the duplicate packets): PcPartne_31:0c:a6 (00:01:2e:31:0c:a6), found in Frame #3? PcPartner is a manufacturer of motherboards. That's most certainly not your router, is it? I wonder why there have been these duplicate packets. Did you find an explanation for it or did you find that device on the network? That still looks strange. (28 Jun '12, 01:37) Kurt Knochner ♦ As far as the duplicate packets go, I've always had them. I could put the server on another machine in the same network or I can disable the routers connection to the Internet. My netmask is Server is PcPartne_31:0c:a6 (00:01:2e:31:0c:a6) Netgear router Netgear_51:c0:54 (e0:91:f5:51:c0:54) FVS318G Client is Ibm_24:4c:f4 (00:0d:60:24:4c:f4)) Why would the Netgear router be reporting? I looked at other traces I have and they also show duplicate packets. I will look into this. As far as the capture file goes, I'm using Wireshark version 1.8.0. (28 Jun '12, 08:39) tcoder Let's walk through it: Frame #1: Src IP: :: Client Src MAC: Ibm_24:4c:f4 (00:0d:60:24:4c:f4) :: Client That's all O.K. Frame #2: Src IP: :: Internet server Src MAC: Netgear_51:c0:54 (e0:91:f5:51:c0:54) :: Router That's all O.K. Frame #3: Src IP: :: Internet server Src MAC: PcPartne_31:0c:a6 (00:01:2e:31:0c:a6) :: Server That's NOT O.K. How comes your server ( is involved here? It should not interfere with a connection between an internal client and a system on the internet. Without further information, it's hard to understand what's going on. If you look at the capture file, you will see a lot of packets with the MAC address of the server, but with a different IP address.
(28 Jun '12, 11:17) Kurt Knochner ♦ The OS is WindowsXP Windows IP Configuration
(28 Jun '12, 11:26) tcoder I can't get the rest of the ipconfig /all on here because there is not enough characters allotted. The default route is through the Netgear router. I'm not mirroring traffic. I just found that 00:01:2E:31:0C:A6 IP = is my monitoring PC. How can I stop it from being a part of the trace? I can't trace from the HMC as it is a Linux OS and you can't break into the form and execute other programs. It's totally locked from running terminal commands. (28 Jun '12, 11:52) tcoder I have the HMC, server and my monitoring PC connected to a Netgear hub. The hub output goes to the Netgear router model FVS318G. The reason for the hub is so I can monitor the traffic. If I connected them directly to the router, I couldn't see the traffic. It looks like most tcp packets get resent. Could the hub be causing the problem? (28 Jun '12, 12:01) tcoder
Did'nt you say it's the server?
Post it as an answer. I will convert it to a comment. Please post the output of If the monitoring PC is a Windows system, disable the TCP/IP binding on the adpater where you are capturing. Open the properties of your LAN adapter and uncheck the TCP/IP binding. You can still capture on that interface, but it will not interact with the network. (28 Jun '12, 13:47) Kurt Knochner ♦ I realized that I gave you wrong info for the server IP and MAC address. I had the server PC on TeamViewer and didn't realize that I was actually looking at my PC. What it should have been is: Server MAC 00:01:2E:2C:D0:5C IP = and my PC MAC 00:01:2E:31:0C:A6 IP = (monitoring PC). I'm sorry for the bad info. (28 Jun '12, 13:55) tcoder can you please ping the following systems from your client ( and the post the output of
(28 Jun '12, 13:56) Kurt Knochner ♦
never mind. I don't need the output of BTW: Does your capturing PC have two interfaces as well? If so, what's the value of (28 Jun '12, 13:57) Kurt Knochner ♦ Yes, it has the motherboard connection ( and a wireless connection ( It's also running Windows7. The value of IPEnableRouter does not exist. The possible values are Adapters, DNSRegisteredAdapters, Interfaces, PersistentRoutes and Winsock. As for pinging from the client of, I can't because I can't break into the program. It's running Linux and they made it so no one could get out of the program. I can however, boot up KNOPPIX and do it from there. (28 Jun '12, 14:56) tcoder Here is the arp command from the monitoring PC Interface: --- 0xa Internet Address Physical Address Type e0-91-f5-51-c0-54 dynamic 00-90-a9-5e-c2-c8 dynamic c4-3d-c7-98-2a-12 dynamic 00-0d-60-24-23-a9 dynamic 00-01-2e-2c-d0-5c dynamic ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff static (28 Jun '12, 14:59) tcoder Interface: --- 0x18 Internet Address Physical Address Type c4-3d-c7-98-2a-11 dynamic 00-26-ab-89-b1-36 dynamic 2c-81-58-f1-33-51 dynamic 00-12-7b-4c-f1-8b dynamic c0-cb-38-67-98-26 dynamic 00-0d-4b-63-10-f3 dynamic 5c-d9-98-04-20-93 dynamic ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff static (28 Jun '12, 15:00) tcoder
(28 Jun ‘12, 18:47) tcoder As you can see, IP Routing is enabled on your machine. I believe your sniffer PC forwards the packets it sees in promicuous mode (capturing mode), as it ‘thinks’ it is a router. I wonder why the registry value does not exist on that system!??! Please check again. Search for ‘IPEnableRouter’ in regedit. Anyway, this makes all sense now. Simple solution: Disable the TCP/IP bindings on the LAN adapter and capture again. You should not see duplicate packets. (28 Jun ‘12, 23:11) Kurt Knochner ♦ showing 5 of 17 show 12 more comments |
Every packet from the server is sent twice, once through the router and once direct. If you select all the directly sent packets (filter: eth.src == 00:01:2e:31:0c:a6) and then Ignore them from dissection (Edit -> Ignore All Displayed Packets), then Wireshark is able to dissect the SSL traffic perfectly. Wireshark does not handle SSL reassembly well when there are retransmissions (or "duplicates" as in this tracefle. answered 29 Jun '12, 08:06 SYN-bit ♦♦ How do I get rid of the duplicate packets? They're coming from the monitoring PC running Wireshark. (29 Jun '12, 08:13) tcoder see the solution in my answer ;-) However, ignoring the packets is a good one! I did not try that :-) (29 Jun '12, 09:22) Kurt Knochner ♦
As I said, don't capture from a PC that has IP Forwarding enabled. Solution for that: Disable IP Forwarding or disable TCP/IP binding on the capturing interface. (29 Jun '12, 09:25) Kurt Knochner ♦ |
you can upload the file to
HINT: You cannot delete an anonymous upload!
I went to and I can't see where I would upload my captured file.
Please use Firefox or Chrome. IE does not work properly.
I uploaded the file. It starts at frame 22710. My filter is "ip.addr ==".
please post the link.
Sorry, I don't know how this thing works. Here's the link I hope:
I noticed that on Wireshark, frame 22719 shows as "ignored unknown Record". On Cloudshark, the same frame states "Continuation Record".
Kurt, I don't see your comment on this page. I see it in the email that was sent to me though.
First of all, I'm just learning about certificates so I don't know much. I get the same trace data on Apache and IIS.
On the attempt the client going to, Wireshark doesn't show Server Hello. On the connection to the Wireshark trace does show Server Hello, but doesn't show the description like your trace. It seems that your trace shows a lot more detail than Wireshark does.
As to why you see the packets twice, I didn't notice.
My first answer was not correct, so I deleted it. Hold on....
BTW: How did you capture?