How do I apply a capture filter using version 1.8.0 And what capture filter would I use to capture packets marked with DSCP 46 (EF) Thanks asked 14 Aug '12, 10:26 VoIP Ready |
One Answer:
You can use the following capture filter:
or if your traffic is vlan tagged:
[OK, I did not test it, but it should work theoretically :-)] answered 14 Aug '12, 10:45 SYN-bit ♦♦ edited 14 Aug '12, 10:47 |
Thanks very much for the reply. It takes the filter and goes green but does not capture any packets. I am sending EF and definitley capture EF with out a filter but when I spply the above filter noting gets captured. Any further help would be greatly appreciated.
This is what ended up working ip[1] & 0xfc == 0xb8
Thanks :)
Weird, they should both work:
As the value 0xb8>>2 = 0x2e (46)
But I'm glad you got it working for you :-)
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