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How do I add a pdml tool that could benefit others


I have written an app in VB.Net that can carry out two functions:

1) Create a raw binary of all the payload data contained in a .pdml file 2) Create a text file with the specific field data from all packets in a .pdml file by specifying the search string.

The application has been added to sourceforge at the following address:

link text

It was instrumental in decoding a UDP stream contained raw PCM data, hopefully others will find it useful too.

The description from the sourceforge page is as follows:

I required a method of saving the UDP packet stream from a .pdml file created using Wireshark. I could find no method in Wireshark to export the data bytes from more than one packet, a online search was also unsuccessful. The UDP packets contained an audio stream in raw PCM format.

As a result I have created the pdml payload copy application using VB.Net (V2.0) which stores all the hex data in the .pdml a new file. Using the program I was able to load the raw data file created into Audacity to playback the transmitted audio.

I have successfully used the application to analyse a .pdml file containing over 20,000 packets (over 300Mb in size). The application can store the byte data for a maximum of 100,000 packets.

Version 1.1 (12/09/12) Added option to select any field contained in .pdml file (enter required search string), which will output the requested data in text format.

Requires VB.Net 2.0 runtime files.

asked 13 Sep '12, 02:25

time2innov8's gravatar image

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edited 13 Sep '12, 02:26