Hi all, I setup the LwIP Stack on a microcontroller, buildup a connection to a PC, transmit some data and close the connection. Please see the screenshot below. The first connection seems to be correct (Frame 6 has the PSH and ACK flag) but when I reset the controller and try to buildup a connection in the same way as the first one I receive previous segment not captured. So is this still a correct connection buildup? asked 05 Oct '12, 05:04 Vic |
Put the capture on CloudShark, so when can see/research it more easily.
Thank you for your reply. I uploaded the capture. Please see http://www.cloudshark.org/captures/f5459e28de9f
There's port reuse here, but Wireshark doesn't really pick up upon it. The warning seems to come from a (perceived) jump in sequence numbering.
So the connection is correct buildup and closed? Just for my understanding, sorry I'm really new to the ethernet stuff.