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what kind of data store wireshark


I all, sorry for my noob question but i'm in a trouble, someone is running wireshark in the network and I want to know certally what kind of data he can see, I know he can access passwords, but I want to know if he can access documents in the net or some other data, with data collected with wireshark.

What kind of data collect wireshark, Can I reconstruct office, txt, database transacctions, with data collected. I know he can see passwords (thats very dangerous but I

Thanks a lot for the info.

asked 22 Oct '12, 06:48

abitguru's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Depending on how he setup the capture he can see various scopes of network traffic. From that traffic he may be able to reconstruct various kinds of content. This also depends on the way, if any, the transport is encrypted.

answered 22 Oct '12, 08:09

Jaap's gravatar image

Jaap ♦
accept rate: 14%

Thanks a lot Jaap, you answer my question, and for severals test I make, I realice I can reconstruct some data. The trasnport isnt encrpyted.

(22 Oct '12, 08:13) abitguru

is there any tool to reconstruct data captured with wireshark? thanks.

(24 Oct '12, 05:27) abitguru