I am developing amf plugin for wireshark in windows. when i run the following command: nmake -f Makefile.nmake verify_tools The output is as follows:
how should i fix it asked 22 Nov ‘12, 21:26 Akhil edited 23 Nov ‘12, 01:48 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
Your configuration (in config.nmake) doesn't seem to be set correctly. You appear to have VS 2010 installed (from the path) but verify_tools is looking for mt.exe, the manifest tool. According to my reading of config.nmake, mt.exe is only required for VS 2005 and 2008. This is set by checking the config.nmake entry for the compiler to use. The compiler to use is set by by the MSVC_VARIANT variable, e.g. If you have strictly followed the developers guide you should have set this entry as part of step answered 23 Nov '12, 02:02 grahamb ♦ I followed the guide and it give an error: Can't find: cl E:\Python27\python.exe NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.EXE' : return code '0x1' Stop. How do I solve it? (29 May '14, 11:54) aman This seems to be a different question, please start a new question with an appropriate title and the full output from (30 May '14, 02:53) grahamb ♦ |
If you have followed the developers guide and installed cygwin and all the tools I supose it’s a problem with your path.
I have followed developers guide strictly and have installed the tools in the same order.
Do this in a cmd window, not the bash shell.
I am doing it in a cmd window