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Reply status: No Exception (0)


I am new to wireshark and trying to troubleshoot a network issue. I see the following in my capture results:

0.008 GIOP 90 GIOP 1.2 Reply s=12 id=14135068: No Exception

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: lrs-paging (3700), Dst Port: 60613 (60613), Seq: 575, Ack: 513, Len: 41 General Inter-ORB Protocol Magic number: GIOP Version: 1.2 Message Flags: 0x00, (Big Endian) Message type: Reply Message size: 12 General Inter-ORB Protocol Reply Request id: 14135068 Reply status: No Exception (0) ServiceContextList Sequence length: 0

Does this indicate a connection issue?


asked 28 Nov ‘12, 11:46

zmaster's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Nov ‘12, 14:48

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦

Not knowing the protocol very well id look at ServiceContextList Sequence length: 0. As this is a reply with No Exception I’d intepreat that as “OK” but perhaps a ServiceContextList is expected in the result. Any logs in the application?

(28 Nov ‘12, 12:03) Anders ♦

No logs from the application yet due to limited access to this customer environment. I have asked the server folks for server/application logs.

Notice the latency in the time column and the traffic pattern.


(28 Nov ‘12, 12:43) zmaster

There’s only one packet shown, so I’m not sure how to see a traffic pattern.

(28 Nov ‘12, 14:50) Guy Harris ♦♦