Is there something wrong with the SYN+ACK frame? Thanks asked 07 Jan '13, 09:16 brownslink edited 07 Jan '13, 10:19 |
One Answer:
The DST MAC address in the SYN,ACK packet is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (instead of 00:c0:49:63:6c:ea). That's the only thing I can see. What is the OS of Maybe it does not like that (and drops the SYN,ACK packet), although I believe that this would work with the most IP stacks, unless there is some TCP/IP offloading in place on !?! Regards answered 07 Jan '13, 10:30 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 07 Jan '13, 10:44 is my (K)Ubuntu workstation. I couldn't find anything in the ethtool output or under /proc/sys/net/core that referred to offloading. I will fix up the outgoing DST MAC address and see if that fixes it. Thanks (07 Jan '13, 10:52) brownslink 1
Did you run ethtool with the option
(07 Jan '13, 11:01) Kurt Knochner ♦ Correcting the TCPIP stack to put the DST MAC DID correct the problem.
The output of ethtool -k is as follows
(07 Jan '13, 13:07) brownslink Kurt - I know that you stated that my original SYN-ACK sequence should have worked, but if you decide that this is not the case, I hope that you file a request for WireShark to validate that the SYN-ACK should not be an Ethernet broadcast. The fact that WireShark showed this frame as a valid acknowledgement to the SYN packet threw me. Thanks for your help. Roland (07 Jan '13, 13:44) brownslink I don't think this is a problem/bug of Wireshark, as the TCP segment was correct and that's what Wireshark reported. The OS declined to accept the packet for a yet unknown reason. You could file a bug report to Ubuntu or Linus Torvalds (good luck with that ;-)), but I don't think they will do anything, as the main error was the sender using the wrong mac address ;-)
Good. HINT: If a supplied answer resolves your question can you please "accept" it by clicking the checkmark icon next to it. This highlights good answers for the benefit of subsequent users with the same or similar questions. (07 Jan '13, 14:06) Kurt Knochner ♦ OK - But I can understand the Ubuntu stack requiring a SYN-ACK addressed directly to it. That is probably the way I would code it to attempt to harden against any false positives. It seems like WireShark might want to upgrade its overall frame analysis to match the sophistication of that of the Linux kernel. Cheers and thanks again. (07 Jan '13, 14:24) brownslink showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments |
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