From the output of tshark -h
-T pdml|ps|psml|text|fields
format of text output (def: text)
And from the tshark man page:
-T pdml|psml|ps|text|fields
Set the format of the output when viewing decoded packet data. The options are one of:
pdml Packet Details Markup Language, an XML-based format for the details of a decoded packet. This information is equivalent to the packet details printed with the -V flag.
psml Packet Summary Markup Language, an XML-based format for the summary information of a decoded packet. This information is equivalent to the information shown in the one-line summary printed by default.
So you can use either -T pdml
or -T psml
depending on your needs.
answered 29 Jan ‘13, 03:32
grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%