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break missing at graph_select_segment?


It really does not make sense to me that a break is not present before case ELMT_ARC: static void graph_select_segment (struct graph g, int x, int y) { struct element_list list; struct element *e; guint num = 0;

debug(DBS_FENTRY) puts ("graph_select_segment()");

x -= g->geom.x; y = g->geom.height-1 - (y - g->geom.y);

set_busy_cursor (g->drawing_area->window);

for (list=g->elists; list; list=list->next) for (e=list->elements; e->type != ELMT_NONE; e++) { switch (e->type) { case ELMT_RECT: break; case ELMT_LINE: if (line_detect_collision (e, x, y)) { num = e->parent->num; } case ELMT_ARC: if (arc_detect_collision (e, x, y)) { num = e->parent->num; } break; default: break; } }

if (num) { cf_goto_frame(&cfile, num); } unset_busy_cursor (g->drawing_area->window);


asked 20 Jan ‘11, 22:12

billyjeans's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


It's better to file complete bug reports in the bug database, i.s.o. sending us on a wild goose chase. You didn't specify which version of the source code you're referring to, or which file.

Eventually I found the offending code. It doesn't have consequences, but in the name of purity it's cleaned up.

answered 21 Jan '11, 00:41

Jaap's gravatar image

Jaap ♦
accept rate: 14%