how to set up wireshark for linux? asked 07 Feb '13, 21:35 neha edited 07 Feb '13, 21:59 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
2 Answers:
The major Linux distributions have Wireshark in their collections of packages; the way you'd find and install the Wireshark package depends on which distribution you're using. Some distributions might not have packages for it, in which case you'd need to download the source code from the Wireshark site and do a configure/make/make install to install it. answered 07 Feb '13, 21:58 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
Hello you can install it from repo by your distro package manager or download it from and then install it also there is another way get wireshark source and compile it by package manager, you can install package by named wireshark-gnome that install gui for wireshark you can install this package on all linux desktop answered 27 Aug '14, 05:15 linuxuser |