Hi I want to know if it possible to find wireless devices like cellphones which are not connected or connected to an access point(it means i want name of devices which are On but not connected) and also distinguish between them by ssid or name of device or etc. Can i do this and what is requirements for this if answer is yes? asked 16 Mar '13, 12:59 behnam edited 17 Mar '13, 14:19 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
2 Answers:
If you have a radiotap you can get the wireless information from signals in your area and some other device information. Without a radiotap you could use a set of filters to isolate that type of traffic. Here's a few examples that I've found work successfully: http.user_agent contains "iPhone" || http.user_agent contains "Blackberry" || http.user_agent contains "Android" || http.user_agent contains "iPad" Now this assumes the person is connected to the network and you have visibility at the WAN. Hope this is helpful, John answered 17 Mar '13, 14:15 John_Modlin I should google it because i don't know much about this radiotap. and tnx for the clues (17 Mar '13, 15:03) behnam |
You should search on Google which is very helpful and also get more knowledge about other wi-fi devices. answered 15 Apr '14, 09:30 johnrooney edited 15 Apr '14, 10:44 multipleinte... This is really not an answer at all. Consider adding more information about how to solve the problem presented in the question. Otherwise, (especially with your extraneous link) you look like a spambot. (15 Apr '14, 10:45) multipleinte... |
Well, first of all, not all cellphones support Wi-Fi, so the access point, in the sense of a Wi-Fi access point, might be irrelevant.
In addition, there are several billion cellphones on the planet, so finding all the ones that aren't connected to your access point could be a bit difficult. :-)
Which particular cellphones are you trying to find? The ones that support Wi-Fi and that are close enough to some Wi-Fi-capable device that their Wi-Fi transmissions can be seen by that device?
Yeah I mean Wi-Fi-capable devices that their Wi-Fi transmissions can be seen by my device. So i want to find devices not access points and also these devices are not connected to any access point but they are turned on by these devices.(turned on= for example laptops can be on by a mechanical key)