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Intercepting images


A while ago, when I was running ubuntu, I used a program called ethereal (I think); which I now understand is wireshark. I am now on mac os x, and wanted to try the program again, but one feature that I distinctly remember, is missing. I was able to intercept any images that were being browsed on my own network.

I let my kids use the internet, and having a stream of images shows me that the sites they are using are safe.

I could be way wrong with the name of the program I used. Thanks.

asked 28 Jan '11, 22:47

omicronpie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


As far as I know, Ethereal never had that functionality and neither does Wireshark. You must have been using something else. A little googling will find you other programs that do that. I just found "York" at


  • Log source, destination [fqdn or ip address] and packet size of all network traffic on your network, of course also outbound traffic. The network card will be set into promiscuous mode.
  • Save sniffed HTTP and FTP files. Just for fun, pictures are shown in a slideshow and in a screensaver like window.
  • Sniff for HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, SMB, VNC and AIM password/hash and HTTP cookies like 'GX'.
  • Select a client and follow his clicks in your browser. [WebSession]
  • Screensaver included. Shows sniffed pictures in a slideshow.
  • For advanced user: You can capture traffic into a pcap file, send a pcap file and replay a pcap file.
  • For advanced user: You can restrict captured traffic by tcpdump filters.

answered 29 Jan '11, 00:00

SYN-bit's gravatar image

SYN-bit ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

edited 29 Jan '11, 08:28


What you are looking for is called EtherPEG, but it's a PowerPC app and will not run on the latest Intel Macs running Mac OS X Lion or greater. You could look into Driftnet on Linux.

answered 18 Sep '13, 20:40

taylorlightfoot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Sep '13, 20:41