Hello! I am trying to measure page load performance from a mobile smartphone. I have installed tpacketcapture on my Android phone, I then navigate to a particular website and stop capturing. I then load the .pcap files into wireshark. But how can I determine the total load time for a particular webpage from Wireshark? Thanks, I do know much about Wireshark, any help would be much appreciated asked 03 Apr '13, 04:16 Sham123 |
One Answer:
First use this Display Filter: http.request or http.response Then go to the first HTTP request to the host you are interested in (IP address and/or HTTP Host: header). Set a time reference (CTRL-T). Go to the last HTTP response (HTTP/1.0 xxx or HTTP/1.1 xxx). The time you see in the Time column is (more or less) the "page load time". Regards answered 03 Apr '13, 07:11 Kurt Knochner ♦ |