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Problem with NetScaler HA protocol not being shown in the wireshark 1.4.3 protocol stack?


I have written a dissector for NetScaler HA protocol. The dissector was synced with the previous version of wireshark. Now with the latest 1.4.3 version, I do not see the name of my protocol ie NS HA in the protocol when I try to decode the packets. Similarly, I am currently writing a dissector for another NetScaler protocol named NS Node to Node Messages. I am facing the same problem with this new protocol. So has there been any changes made to the trunk?

Is there anything, anyone can help me with???

Thanks and Regards, Sidharth

asked 31 Jan '11, 01:10

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accept rate: 0%

So has there been any changes made to the trunk?

We haven't been sitting still, so yes there have been changes. A lot of changes.

The question is: what do you see?

(31 Jan '11, 01:34) Jaap ♦