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Round trip time graph comparison



I'm trying to compare these round trip time graphs. Can anyone explain what is happening here with the two graphs please?

Thanks very much Dan

asked 16 Apr '13, 02:31

dscott1709's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


As I already mentioned in your other question

it is hard to interpret a graph without any information about the QoS policy used and some information about the rest of the traffic that passed the monitored device (and line).

So, please add more details about your test environment and your test parameters.

Regards Kurt

answered 16 Apr '13, 04:15

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

Thanks Kurt

I'm passing an identical traffic mix of RTP video stream, FTP and ICMP over a 2MB serial between two Cisco routers to compare how each QoS scheme (FIFO and CBWFQ) peforms best and what happens. I've given CBWFQ precedence levels of: RTP 7 FTP 4 ICMP 1

Does that help to give you more insight into why these graphs are different?

Cheers Dan

(17 Apr '13, 03:07) dscott1709
(17 Apr '13, 12:39) Kurt Knochner ♦