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Baracuda Ethernet Tap BET10


Greetings, would like to know if I can run multiple instances of Wireshark on win2k3ent edition with two intel 10/100 desktop cards plugged into a Baracuda Ethernet Tap model BET10 10/100 passive tap. two nics are required to do full duplex captures. but that is all I know. any info on this would be great. thanks in advance for your support and help.


This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 01 Feb '11, 09:23

netsyseng69's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Yes, you can run two instances of Wireshark to capture from the two NICs. After capturing the traffic, you'll probably want to save the captured data to two files and then merge the files into a single file to make the analysis easier.

answered 01 Feb '11, 09:45

Jim%20Aragon's gravatar image

Jim Aragon
accept rate: 24%