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Command line for uninstalling Wireshark on Windows


I have some old servers that have old versions of WireShark installed.

I need a command line to uninstall Wireshark. I'm going to use SCCM to push this command to a group of servers. Is there a msiexec command that I could run? I need to uninstall any version.

asked 24 Apr '13, 10:35

claudiup's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 May '13, 11:29

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦

One Answer:


There should be an uninstaller named uninistall.exe in Wireshark's installation directory. Its complete path should be in


More recent versions provide a quiet uninstall path, but this is simply the uninstaller with a "/S" argument


answered 24 Apr '13, 11:49

Gerald%20Combs's gravatar image

Gerald Combs ♦♦
accept rate: 24%

Thanks Gerald,

So what would the msiexec command look like if I needed to uninstall Wireshark with the "Silent" and "no reboot" options based on that registry entry?

(13 May '13, 09:37) claudiup

you can't use msiexec as there is no MSI package. Please run this command to find the silent uninstaller string

`reg query HKLM\Software /v QuietUninstallString /s | find "Wireshark"

Usually, this will resolve to something like this:

%ProgramFiles%\Wiresahrk\unistaller.exe /S


(13 May '13, 12:56) Kurt Knochner ♦