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Why Wireshark is not showing high layer packets like ICMP/IP/UDP?


I am using Wireshark for 802.11g sniffing. The AP is not using any encryption. I can see the beacons, the probe requests and even ARP communications from one station. But no ICMP/IP/UDP/TCP layer data packets are shown. Actually, if I filter out the beacon signal of my AP, I can see no packets at all, even I know clearly that same station is doing Ping right now using wireless interface. Can anybody know what went wrong?

My Wireshark version is 1.8.2. I am using a Ubuntu 12.10 and a USB wireless adaptor Belkin F5D7050. I have put the wlan interface to monitor mode with airmon-ng start wlan1

asked 29 Apr '13, 12:38

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Does it work with tcpdump? (I suspect it won't, as the relevant code path is shared by tcpdump and dumpcap, the latter being the program Wireshark runs to capture traffic.)

What driver is being used with that adapter, and is there some indication of what particular model of the adapter it is?

(29 Apr '13, 17:44) Guy Harris ♦♦