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can we have both built in dissector and a plugin for the same protocol in wireshark?


I have created a built in dissector for a netscalar private protocol named NNM. Now I have beeen asked to convert it into a plugin. So I want to know if I can go on and create a plugin or I need to remove the dissector from the wireshark source first??

Can a plug in as well as a built dissector exist for the same protocol in the same build of Wireshark?

Any help??

Thanks and Regards, Sidharth

asked 02 Feb '11, 01:12

sid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


No, they will collide on registration.

answered 02 Feb '11, 03:00

Jaap's gravatar image

Jaap ♦
accept rate: 14%