Wireshark capturing only incoming traffic. For example, when i ping a site I only see the reply packets. Wireshark version is 1.8.6 running on a windows 7 x64 OS and WinCap is version 4.1.2. I uninstalled wireshark and also cleaned the registry and still having the same issue. Not really sure that it's the NIC because I have both Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 and OmniPeek and both capture incoming and outgoing traffic OK. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! asked 03 May '13, 11:21 alexltk0506 edited 03 May '13, 17:33 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
One Answer:
One cause of this can be VPN software installed on your machine. answered 03 May '13, 17:32 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
Thanks a lot. That did it. All is well and I see traffic flowing in and out. Thanks!