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How to export or display capture traffic in this format? - Ethernet II excluded


4500 0028 596c 4000 8006 d127 0a3b 00a3 36ef 8e6f c12f 0050 1817 84d1 7a9b 5b14 5011 0fc69 bb90 000

asked 19 May '13, 11:25

OMara's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


Well, wireshark (with >2million lines of code) is a bit overkill for that, why not use a simple perl script:

#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w

use strict; use Net::PcapUtils; use NetPacket::Ethernet;

Net::PcapUtils::loop(&process_pkt, FILTER => 'ip proto 1');

sub process_pkt { my ($user_data,$hdr,$pkt)=@_; my $eth=NetPacket::Ethernet->decode($pkt); if($eth->{type} == 2048){ printf "%s\n", unpack("H*", $eth->{data}); } }

which gives the following output (for a ping to


I’ll leave the proper filtering and layout enhancements as an exercise for the reader :-)

answered 19 May ‘13, 12:36

SYN-bit's gravatar image

SYN-bit ♦♦
accept rate: 20%


I guess by going to File -> Export Packet Dissections -> as Plain Text File. Then on the "Packet Format" pane uncheck everything except "Packet Bytes".

answered 19 May '13, 11:42

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

But that doesn't exclude Ethernet II. Thanks.

(19 May '13, 11:45) OMara

Sorry, I thought "Ethernet excluded" meant that you removed it from your quote due to sanitization purposes. I guess if you want to export packets without the Ethernet header Wireshark will not help you unless you find a way to edit each frame by script after exporting it.

May I ask why you need to remove the ethernet header? Maybe there's another solution I can think of.

(19 May '13, 11:48) Jasper ♦♦

For testing purposes. I can copy each frame and edit it but it is tedious. I appreciate your help.

(19 May '13, 12:37) OMara

The new export PDU functionality could be made to do that.

(19 May '13, 15:20) Anders ♦