Hi, I have few MAC addresses where the OUI portions have been resolved: e.g. Intel_05:04:03. Is it possible to use tshark to get the actual MAC address for each of my “name resolved” address? E.g. get 02:A0:C9:05:04:03 from Intel_05:04:03? If this is not possible with tshark, what would would be the easiest way to achieve this on a linux host? Many thanks. asked 03 Jun '13, 23:52 wsblvd |
3 Answers:
Using the unresolved and resolved hw address as columns would do the trick, however, it seems that there is a bug that prevents simultaneous diplay of the resolved and unresolved addresses:
I will have a look at why this is... answered 04 Jun '13, 12:40 SYN-bit ♦♦ |
You can turn MAC resolution off, edit->preferences->name resolution, untick resolve MAC addresses. answered 04 Jun '13, 03:29 Anders ♦ Many thanks for the suggestions but I already have these addresses that have been “resolved”. What can be done to get the actual MAC address? I was wondering if there was a convenient way to get the Ethernet manufacturer codes of these addresses without having to search /etc/manuf. (04 Jun '13, 12:13) wsblvd Oh, yeah, in that case you'd have to reverse-map them from (preferably) Wireshark's manuf file. You'd have to do that manually or (more likely) write a script to do it. Wireshark's manuf file is in /usr/share/wireshark/manuf (assuming Wireshark was installed in /usr). (04 Jun '13, 12:27) JeffMorriss ♦ Many thanks Jeff. (05 Jun '13, 05:55) wsblvd |
You can also control whether this resolution happens in the first place with tshark's "-N" option (see the man page for details). answered 04 Jun '13, 06:21 JeffMorriss ♦ |
Fixed in revision 49776 which will be included in the next 1.8 release.
BTW Once Wireshark has resolved the mac-address, there is no (guaranteed) way back, as multiple OUI's can point to the same vendor. See the example in my last comment where both 00:19:2f:xx:xx:xx and 00:0b:fc:xx:xx:xx resolved to "Cisco".
Many thanks for the help.
Hi both, i'm getting a similar problem... would you mind to take a look to this other thread?Thanks in advance!