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unable to find anything in NBAP trace



I have captured a pcap on the IuB but when i filter for NBAP there is no message filtered. The filter field shows green but not a single message is filtered out. Is there anything special to be done while capturing.

I can see in edit>> preference>> Protocol that NABP is present and also the pcap shows correct IP in source and destination that of RNC and Node-B.

Pls suggest.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 07 Feb '11, 03:20

Rahul2909's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What do you see? If it's NBAP over SCTP you may have to do "Decode as" "PPID" and select NBAP.

(07 Feb '11, 23:18) Anders ♦

Thanks a lot .. its working now.

(08 Feb '11, 01:23) Rahul2909

One Answer:


Move the comment to answer. If it's NBAP over SCTP you may have to do "Decode as" "PPID" and select NBAP.

answered 08 Feb '11, 22:56

Anders's gravatar image

Anders ♦
accept rate: 17%