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wireshark v/s NS2 simulator


what is the main difference between the use of WireShark and NS2? or how can we differentiate functioning of WireShark and NS2 ?

asked 14 Jun '13, 02:30

Smit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

can me to colaboration cisco boson netsim and wreshark? and what are the advantages of incorporation that I do this?

(11 Sep '13, 19:09) Rizal Khadar...

and if can do it, can you(admin) send me program of wireshark in my email? thank you abaout you(admin) attention :)

(11 Sep '13, 19:12) Rizal Khadar...

One Answer:


ns2 is a network simulator, meaning you can build virtual networks with it. Wireshark is a network analysis tool, so it will read network capture files and help you to analyze network problems. ns2 is also able to generate network capture files of the traffic in the virtual network.


answered 14 Jun '13, 03:03

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%