so basically i have written a tool,and what it does is 1- capture the packets,write this into a file, initialize epan module 2- open the file using pcap_open_offline(...), then call pcap_loop(...)and in handler function for this apply read filter(for any identity present in request message) on it, call dissection utilities. 3- go to print the packet data, extract message_id. 4- now open the file again using pcap_open_offline() then call pcap_loop() and in handler function, apply this message_id as read filter to print both request and response(req and res have same message_id),call dissection utilities. 5- go to print the output. now i have this network, messages coming at approx rate of 5k per sec., and this application is taking too much time to print for any identity corresponding to to optimize it, as i have seen,wireshark doing same stuff, capturing then applying read_filter to print the desired output. asked 17 Jun '13, 13:27 Sanny_D |