Hi everyone. I'm an application administrator but my TCP knowledge is minimal. I have done some research trying to work this out on my own but feel like I'm going to need help to make any real progress.
So... here goes. I have one particular customer site from which nobody can successfully connect to our server. They are able to telnet to the correct port. I have over 100 other users from various sites logged in daily who are all working fine. This leads me to believe that the app and networking on my side are ok. The customer is maintaining that there is no problem on their side. They have provided me with the capture below taken from their firewall (x is the client machine, y our server). Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide. And thanks!!
1 0.000000 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 66 56951 > dnp [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1
2 0.048124 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 66 dnp > 56951 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1380 WS=1 SACK_PERM=1
3 0.048459 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56951 > dnp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=0
4 0.048841 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 218 56951 > dnp [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=164
5 0.096858 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 582 dnp > 56951 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=165 Win=64076 Len=528
6 0.348782 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 218 [TCP Retransmission] 56951 > dnp [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=164
7 0.394633 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 54 [TCP Dup ACK 5#1] dnp > 56951 [ACK] Seq=529 Ack=165 Win=64076 Len=0
8 0.950533 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 218 [TCP Retransmission] 56951 > dnp [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=164
9 0.962175 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 66 56952 > dnp [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1
10 0.997604 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 54 [TCP Dup ACK 5#2] dnp > 56951 [ACK] Seq=529 Ack=165 Win=64076 Len=0
11 0.997818 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56951 > dnp [RST] Seq=165 Win=0 Len=0
12 1.009475 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 66 dnp > 56952 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1380 WS=1 SACK_PERM=1
13 1.009887 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56952 > dnp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=0
14 1.010024 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 218 56952 > dnp [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=164
15 1.059002 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 582 dnp > 56952 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=165 Win=64076 Len=528
16 1.059155 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56952 > dnp [RST] Seq=165 Win=0 Len=0
17 1.357846 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 66 56953 > dnp [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1
18 1.405527 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 66 dnp > 56953 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1380 WS=1 SACK_PERM=1
19 1.405893 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56953 > dnp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=0
20 1.406046 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 430 56953 > dnp [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=376
21 1.453000 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 378 dnp > 56953 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=377 Win=63864 Len=324
22 1.453199 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56953 > dnp [RST] Seq=377 Win=0 Len=0
23 1.453931 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 66 56954 > dnp [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1
24 1.501033 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 66 dnp > 56954 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1380 WS=1 SACK_PERM=1
25 1.501399 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56954 > dnp [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=0
26 1.501536 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 430 56954 > dnp [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=131072 Len=376
27 1.549034 y.y.y.y x.x.x.x TCP 378 dnp > 56954 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=377 Win=63864 Len=324
28 1.549141 x.x.x.x y.y.y.y TCP 54 56954 > dnp [RST] Seq=377 Win=0 Len=0
asked 21 Jun '13, 06:15
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