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syntax error near unexpected token `LIBGNUTLS,'


So over all of yesterday I spent fixing issues I was having with ./ and I was overjoyed when I finally got it to pass.

But now when I run ./configure I end up with this error:

>./configure: line 15463: syntax error near unexpected token `LIBGNUTLS,'
>./configure: line 15463: `  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBGNUTLS, gnutls >= 1.2.0,'

I tried googling it. It's hard to follow some of the threads but I attempted some of the fixes that were suggested; reinstalling glib for example.

The part in the file that invokes the error is an if block that does the LIBGNUTLS check. So I tried running it with --with-gnutls=no to no avail.

I can get it to pass if I erase that block completely and but when I do a "make" I get yet another error. I forgot to get the exact text but it was related to LIBGNUTLS...

Any ideas or nudges in the right direction would be appreciated. =]

asked 08 Feb '11, 10:59

Rodayo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Could you provide some version numbers?

(08 Feb '11, 12:49) Jaap ♦