How to split large netscalar cap file,it is showing sun snoop file type,tried editcap with no luck asked 04 Jul '13, 06:00 kishan pandey |
One Answer:
Please call editcap with the following option
UPDATE I'm sorry, I was on the wrong track. -F is just the output file format. The following command works with a sample snoop file. It will split the original file in pieces of 100 packets.
Sample file:
BTW: it also works with option -F snoop on my system (Windows XP, Wireshark 1.10.0)
If these commands do not work with your snoop file, please post the wireshark version (wireshark -v) and the error message. UPDATE 2 O.K. I did a test with a sample nstrace file and this command works.
Regards answered 04 Jul '13, 06:29 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 08 Jul '13, 02:15 showing 5 of 10 show 5 more comments |
tried it still not able to split the file,showing error "editcap: Can't open or create output.pcap: Files from that network type can't be saved in that format"
please see my UPDATE in the answer.
Please find the capinfo output,it starts with .cap extension not snoop.Wireshark version is 1.8.4.
D:\ndl\Wireshark>capinfos.exe nstrace9.cap File name: nstrace9.cap File type: NetScaler Trace (Version 2.0) File encapsulation: NetScaler Encapsulation 2.0 of Ethernet Packet size limit: file hdr: (not set) Number of packets: 152364 File size: 75546624 bytes Data size: 70570504 bytes Capture duration: 1 seconds Start time: Tue Jul 02 13:47:51 2013 End time: Tue Jul 02 13:47:51 2013 Data byte rate: 79368489.77 bytes/sec Data bit rate: 634947918.14 bits/sec Average packet size: 463.17 bytes Average packet rate: 171359.14 packets/sec SHA1: f61908d04e1b8d46fb9e350b93a1a54bdcf8fd61 RIPEMD160: 9398681630f2bdc6c92d401ea62734f82aece3ff MD5: 866ada08168425a3de8513d163993447 Strict time order: False
O.K. so it is not a snoop file.
So, can you please post the full error message of editcap and the parameters you used?
editcap -c 50000 -F snoop nstrace9.cap output.pcap and then it shows an error "editcap: Can't open or create output.pcap: Files from that network type can't be saved in that format."
Try splitting it with a command that does not contain the string "snoop" anywhere.
You cannot write out packets from a NetScaler file into a snoop file or a pcap file or a pcap-ng file or any other file format, because, at least inside Wireshark and its tools, packets from NetScaler files have special NetScaler metadata at the beginning, and no other file formats support that.
Try something such as
Hi Harris,badluck again"editcap -c 50000 -F nstrace9.cap output.cap". "editcap: "nstrace9.cap" isn't a valid capture file type".
Sorry, no -F flag. I've edited my comment to fix that.
See UPDATE 2 in my answer.
Great Kurt it worked this time,nothing will left unasnswered in this forum.