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No icon image in Desktop - windows 64 bit installer


I just installed wireshark 1.10.0 stable using the 64 bit installer in my win 7 64 bit machine . Installation is proper and works fine but the Desktop shortcut seems to be missing image file.

Is it a problem with my machine or is the installer missing the icon file.

asked 11 Jul '13, 04:43

Arun%20Balaji's gravatar image

Arun Balaji
accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Jul '13, 04:43


Does the link work? I mean, if you double-click the icon on the Desktop, does Wireshark start?

If so, do you see an icon for wireshark.exe, if you open the Wireshark install directory?

(11 Jul '13, 04:57) Kurt Knochner ♦

yes it starts and yes the wireshark.exe file has an icon.

(11 Jul '13, 05:49) Arun Balaji

2 Answers:


It's probably a problem with your machine. Win7 often breaks the Icon cache and it then needs to be rebuilt to show the actual icon. There is a ton of how-to instructions when googling for "windows 7 rebuild icon cache". Or you can use a small tool that I usually use for this, which is the Icon Cache Rebuilder:

answered 11 Jul '13, 04:52

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%


there is also a Fix it from Microsoft

(11 Jul '13, 05:58) Kurt Knochner ♦

Thanks that did the trick

(11 Jul '13, 05:58) Arun Balaji


This was fixed (in Wireshark) with bug 8773. The icon flushing stuff will automatically happen starting with version 1.10.1.

answered 11 Jul '13, 07:37

JeffMorriss's gravatar image

JeffMorriss ♦
accept rate: 27%