I just installed wireshark 1.10.0 stable using the 64 bit installer in my win 7 64 bit machine . Installation is proper and works fine but the Desktop shortcut seems to be missing image file. Is it a problem with my machine or is the installer missing the icon file. asked 11 Jul '13, 04:43 Arun Balaji edited 11 Jul '13, 04:43 |
2 Answers:
It's probably a problem with your machine. Win7 often breaks the Icon cache and it then needs to be rebuilt to show the actual icon. There is a ton of how-to instructions when googling for "windows 7 rebuild icon cache". Or you can use a small tool that I usually use for this, which is the Icon Cache Rebuilder: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/rebuild-corrupt-icon-cache-with-icon-cache-rebuilder answered 11 Jul '13, 04:52 Jasper ♦♦ 1 there is also a Fix it from Microsoft (11 Jul '13, 05:58) Kurt Knochner ♦ Thanks that did the trick (11 Jul '13, 05:58) Arun Balaji |
This was fixed (in Wireshark) with bug 8773. The icon flushing stuff will automatically happen starting with version 1.10.1. answered 11 Jul '13, 07:37 JeffMorriss ♦ |
Does the link work? I mean, if you double-click the icon on the Desktop, does Wireshark start?
If so, do you see an icon for wireshark.exe, if you open the Wireshark install directory?
yes it starts and yes the wireshark.exe file has an icon.