We are experiencing a strange behaviour in some TCP connection. During a tcp connection we are sending data from compiter A to computer B. (wireshark is capturing packet on computer B) wiresharking the connection we can see the data from A to B , the SEQ number are ok and the ACKs are coming from B to A... after a while we can see the the computer B doesn't acknoledge the data any more, even if the data are captured by wireshark. (we are just downloading a JPG using a browser from "A" http server, it happen with different browser).. Example
that can happen several times... with several packets... and of course often the connection is terminated.. asked 30 Jul '13, 06:06 OmarP edited 30 Jul '13, 08:00 grahamb ♦ |
seems to be something wrong on hardware calculated checksum....
Posting a link to a public capture showing the symptoms (if you can share the capture) would be a great help.
Cloudshark, Google Drive and Dropbox are all useful options.