Hi! I have capture file with Abis packets over IUA/SCTP. But the Abis packets are decoded incorrectly because Q.921 SAPI values are used by default in DLCI Parameter of IUA packets. I can't find how to use the GSM SAPI values in DLCI Parameter of IUA packet. How the Abis messages that contained in IUA packets can be correctly decoded? Thank You! asked 03 Aug '13, 19:04 Volodymyr edited 05 Aug '13, 01:38 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
You can try to change the preference of LAPD to use GSM SAPI:s answered 04 Aug '13, 08:49 Anders ♦ |
I tried this for LAPD but it doesn't changes the SAPI settings for IUA and Abis packets still displayed incorrectly. So IUA needs it's own option for SAPI.
Open a bug report supplying an example capture file.
The abillity to dissect Abis over IUA was added in http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=51171
I've opened a bug report #9017 an now it resolved and fixed. Thanks a lot!