I'm attempting to capture fibre channel traffic from a Cisco MDS Fibre channel switch via pcap. While attempting to a remote capture I captured the traffic to see why it was failing. Looks like the list interfaces request and reply worked. The authentication worked also. During the remote capture start I got generic updatefilter error 7 I'll upload the trace. Has anyone done this before? asked 20 Aug '13, 17:23 gipper |
One Answer:
I was able to figure this out. Needed wireshark v 1.0.6. fcanalyzer remote RACK06-9124-01# show fcanalyzer PassiveClient = Wireshark capture options rpcap://[]/eth2 answered 20 Aug '13, 20:06 gipper |
Here's my capture. http://www.cloudshark.org/captures/b2e59aeb2e4c
Windows host running wireshark and pcap IP =
Cisco MDS switch IP =