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Can’t install to 32-bit Win 7 machine


I uninstalled my previous version (1.6.6) and am attempting to install the latest from the website.

On many of the installation files I get an "unable to write to" and then file name error message. All I can do is retry, abort or ignore. If I ignore, installation doesn't complete.

asked 05 Sep '13, 16:21

greekgeek82's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


On many of the installation files I get an "unable to write to" and then file name error message. All I can do is retry, abort or ignore. If I ignore, installation doesn't complete.

I see these (possible) reasons

  1. You are not running the installer as Administrator (or with equivalent privileges)
  2. There is a Wireshark/tshark/dumpcap instance still running in the background and thus the OS prevents the installer from overwriting open files (check with: Task Manager)
  3. The installer file got corrupted during the download (check with: MD5/SHA1 hash from the wireshark download page)
  4. Some security software on your system (AV, IDS, Endpoint Security, etc.) believes that parts of the installer are malware and thus prevents the process from writing to disk (check the logs of your security software).


answered 09 Sep '13, 09:07

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%