Hello I'm a new registered user to this site, but have already been using it from time to time when strange questions occured in the past :) So first, thank you for all the help already provided :) I have been asked a strange question: some users are moving, and my management wonders why we couldn't capture network traffic on some user's computer during a day, and use all the data collected to produce a rule set that'll be pushed on the new firewall to come. Despite the fact that monitoring one user's network activity isn't really a good way to get all traffic, has someone ever done that? and do you know tools that could be of any help in this attempt? Thank you very much! asked 06 Sep '13, 01:14 go3th |
One Answer:
well, that does not sound like a very good idea. A firewall shall only allow what is absolutely necessary (principle of least privilege). If you capture the traffic of a single system and use the systems network activity as a base for the firewall rule set, security will go down the drain and honestly then you don't need a firewall at all. A router would be much cheaper ;-)) So, my answer to your question is three-fold.
So, if you still want to use the capture file, here is how you could do it.
I'm not aware of any product that will do it automatically for you. There may be open source projects, but I don't know one either. Regards answered 06 Sep '13, 02:05 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 06 Sep '13, 02:12 |
Well, thank you very much. I just joined my new compagny, and that's one of the first thing they asked me to check. I was a bit suscipicious, but now, I won't hesitate to tell them that's it's a bad idea.
Thank you again!
good luck.