I am analysing a PCAP file and it contains a field "x-flash-version: 10,0,32,18". What is this field? Does it refer to the flash version on the PC? Where can I find more info about this field? asked 10 Sep '13, 00:26 TheRookieLea... |
One Answer:
Prior to the deprecation of the "X-" format (see RFC 6648) any X- prefixed header is an eXperimental or non-standard additional header. In this case it would seem that some application is reporting the version of flash in use. answered 10 Sep '13, 02:04 grahamb ♦ |
thanks for the hint about RFC 6648. I was not aware of that !?!
@TheRookieLea...: Maybe at google?: http://bit.ly/13EFiIJ