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How to see sequence of parameters for NBAP protocol?



I have using NBAP (using IP stack over SCTP), I have some wireshark traces, but not able to find exact sequence of data I need to add to created desired packet.

asked 11 Sep '13, 01:11

pranitkothari's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

I don't understand your question, you have NBAP over SCTP but when looking at the trace you only see the SCTP layer + data? If so try "decode as" and chose NBAP. If that's not the problem you will have to explain in more detail what the problem is.

(11 Sep '13, 04:10) Anders ♦

No problem is I have NBAP packet (downloaded from wireshark site), and I want to create my own packet, but I am not able to get exact sequence of parameter I want to add. I referred 3GPP TS 25.433 but it is of very less help.

(11 Sep '13, 04:13) pranitkothari

So you ar trying to hand craf a NBAP message? Not realy a Wireshark question. That's not going to be easy ;)

(11 Sep '13, 06:39) Anders ♦

I have created messages like BSSAP same way, but I am not getting proper documentation for NBAP.

(11 Sep '13, 06:41) pranitkothari