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What happenes when you dump packets from .pcap file ?


i have .pcap file having total 3471 packets , after doing mpeg-ts dump (listener in lua script) it have 5033 packets.. in my output.pcap file can anyone explain this please ?

asked 13 Sep '13, 22:31

pvv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Sep '13, 02:33

Sorry, but you need to explain in more detail what you did. This sounds like some kind of packet replay and capture szenario. What setup was used, and how did you capture?

(14 Sep '13, 02:30) Jasper ♦♦

Thank you mr. jasper for replying

i am sorry for posting this simple silly question

actually in original file there were 719 MP2T packets,each 1358 bytes

and in output file each packet is of 188 bytes (1358/188 =7 ) that means 719 * 7 = 5033 packets

(14 Sep '13, 10:44) pvv

One Answer:


Enter the file where the mpeg stream should be saved.

according to the Lua code:

Enter the file where the mpeg stream should be saved.

So, it's the binary MPEG stream, contained in the frames.


answered 14 Sep '13, 04:18

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 14 Sep '13, 04:18

Oh Thank you So much Mr kurt knochner for replying

i am sorry for posting this simple silly question

actually in original file there were 719 MP2T packets,each 1358 bytes

and in output file each packet is of 188 bytes (1358/188 =7 ) that means 719 * 7 = 5033 packets

(14 Sep '13, 10:42) pvv

I would need to have access to your capture file to be able to analyze what's going on. Is it possible to post the capture file somewhere (google drive, dropbox, etc.)?

(15 Sep '13, 12:31) Kurt Knochner ♦