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count number of submit_sm counts per second


Hi all, I have been using wireshark for quite some time..However i am stuck at a place where the requirement is to count the number of Submit_sm packets(SMPP) per second from a tcpdump of 1 hour(30min,15min) to know the TPS(Transactions per second) at which my application is hitting the SMSC. Please suggest me if there is a way out

asked 14 Sep '13, 07:17

harish's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


You can use tshark and a script or Excel.

tshark -nr input.pcap -R "smpp.command_id == 0x80000004" -T fields -E header=y -E separator=; -e frame.time_relative -e frame.number

Then use that output and process it with a script (perl, python, whatever) or with Excel to calculate the number of submit_sm packtes per second.


answered 14 Sep '13, 15:06

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

Thanks for your respnse..Will give a try and let u know the result

(14 Sep '13, 19:59) harish