I currently have Wireshark version 1.10.1 and the File -> Save As funtion does not have the features of Selected Packets, Displayed Packets, Range, etc. in order to save filtered packets; it only has the most basic Save As dialog box. This forces me to save the entire array of packet captures to a .pcap file, which may be much larger than what I want. Previous versions of wireshark did have these options. How can I recover these options in 1.10.1 as I had in the prior version? asked 14 Sep '13, 23:02 Sharkwire1 |
One Answer:
Use File -> Export Specified Packets instead. Writing out a subset of the current capture to another file, which doesn't become the current file, is not really a "Save As" function, so it was moved to "Export Specified Packets" in 1.10 (especially given that in 1.10 Wireshark is an "editor" that can modify some capture files by editing packet comments, so that "Save" and "Save As" should function as editor-style save functions). answered 14 Sep '13, 23:29 Guy Harris ♦♦ edited 15 Sep '13, 17:57 cmaynard ♦♦ |